EkoNiva will triple winter rapeseed

This year, EkoNiva agricultural holding will triple the sowing of winter rapeseed to 900 hectares. Currently, its sowing has begun in the Kaluga region on an area of 660 hectares.

“Rapeseed is a profitable crop with a high market demand. Last season, winter rapeseed showed a good harvest in the Kaluga region – 3.5 tons per 1 hectare, so it was decided to increase the area under these crops,” said Alexander Anpilov, EkoNiva Crop Production Director.

Rapeseed has a positive effect on the ecological state of the soil: it improves its structure, increases biological activity, and prevents erosion. It’s considered one of the best predecessors for winter wheat.

In the coming days, rapeseed is planned to be sown for the first time at EkoNiva’s farm in the Ryazan region – about 250 hectares. Farmers are waiting for the heat to subside.

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