Farmers of the Kaliningrad region expect fertilizer prices increase

Farmers of the Kaliningrad region have faced an increase in prices for mineral fertilizers. They are concerned that this dynamics won’t change due to the shutdown of fertilizer plants in the European Union. Farmers admit that it’s currently more profitable for Russian companies to export their products.

“We don’t apply imported fertilizers but domestic fertilizers are rising in price. We purchase them directly from Kaliningrad representatives of Russian producers. There is no shortage in terms of volume, only the price goes up. For example, ammonium nitrate last season cost 19 thousand rubles ($310) per 1 ton, while this year it costs 29 thousand rubles ($474),” said Boris Kasyanov, a representative of Roma Agro.

Farmers currently are not able to store fertilizers for the next spring since there are difficulties with their supply from Russian enterprises.

Source: RBC

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