The production of mineral fertilizers in Russia is falling

In the January-September period of this year, the production of mineral fertilizers in Russia decreased by 10% to 17.7 million tons, the Federal State Statistics Service reports.

Of their total volume, the output of potassium fertilizers decreased by 29% to 5.7 million tons, while the production of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers increased by 4.2% to 8.8 million tons and 1.2% to 3.3 million tons, respectively.

“The collapse in the production of potassium fertilizers in Russia is associated with the high cost of freight and the lack of ships for their export due to Western sanctions against shareholders of Russian chemical companies. However, foreign buyers of potassium fertilizers also suffer from them, since it’s difficult to find a full-fledged alternative to potash,” commented the information and analytical service of Fertilizer Daily.

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