Novosibirsk region will purchase 200 thousand tons of mineral fertilizers in 2023

By the end of 2022, the farmers of the Novosibirsk region exceeded the target for the purchase of mineral fertilizers by 21%.

To preserve soil fertility and ensure the balance of plant nutrients in 2022, the farmers of the Novosibirsk region applied 184 thousand tons of mineral fertilizers to the fields – this is a record amount for the region, 1.4 times more than in 2021.

“For 2023, the plans of agricultural producers in the Novosibirsk region are to purchase at least 200 thousand tons of mineral fertilizers to increase the yield of cultivated crops. At the moment, 52 thousand tons have already been purchased,” said the Minister of Agriculture of the Novosibirsk region Evgeny Leshchenko. “To help farmers in our region, there is a measure of state support: within the framework of the program “Development of agriculture and regulation of agricultural products, raw materials and food markets in the Novosibirsk region”, up to 50% of the costs of purchasing mineral fertilizers are reimbursed from the regional budget.”

In general, in Russia in 2022, farmers purchased about 5 million tons of mineral fertilizers, which is 8% higher than the previous year and is a record since 1993.

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