Aggressive superweed attacked the main agricultural states of Brazil

Palmer amaranth threatens the Brazil’s high-intensity crop production model, which is based on pesticide protection. This weed has multiple resistance to existing herbicides and quickly develops resistance to new types of herbicides.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Sustainable Production and Irrigation of the State of Rio Grande do Sul has issued an Emergency Phytosanitary Alert to growers regarding Palmer amaranth. This weed, considered a quarantine pest in Brazil, has not yet been found in that state but has already appeared in Mato Grosso do Sul. Plant foci were identified there, which caused serious concern among specialists.

Palmer amaranth is considered one of the most risky pests for Brazil because of its aggressiveness and spread. The weed is mainly spread through the movement of vehicles carrying seeds and agricultural machinery, which increases the likelihood of infection in other areas.

Palmer amaranth is capable of infecting many food crops. It aggressively competes with crops and leads to a significant reduction in production (up to 90%).

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