EuroChem implements digital tools to increase efficiency management

EuroChem started implementing a digital tool to increase the efficiency of technological process management.

The pilot enterprises for implementation were Phosphorit Industrial Group (Kingisepp, Leningrad region) and Novomoskovskiy Azot (Novomoskovsk, Tula region). Here, digital tools are already functioning in the Carbamide-2 and Carbamide-3 workshops, in the ammonia production, as well as in the extraction of the phosphoric acid workshop.

The technological process management (ECONS) is a screen of metrics – separate monitors, which are located in the premises of shop operators. They display priority parameters for the economy of the production unit, as well as target and allowable ranges. Information is displayed in the form of color-coded speedometers, which allows the operator to visually assess the current efficiency of the technological process and directions for improving efficiency. The tool allows you to quickly respond to changes in the productivity of the workshop, the presence of restrictions, and the specific rate for key raw materials during the shift. The system will tell if it’s possible to increase the load and what parameters are limiting. In addition, notifications about atypical situations in the process can be displayed on the screen.

By the end of 2023, the ECONS digital tool is planned to be implemented in the main production units of Phosphorit and Azot enterprises, as well as at EuroChem enterprises in Belorechensk and Nevinnomyssk.

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