Crimea will provide southern regions with fertilizers

A chemical enterprise located in the north of Crimea announced the resumption of production of the complex mineral fertilizer ammophos, which consists of nitrogen and phosphorus. The design capacity allows producing about 120 thousand tons of fertilizers per year.

This enterprise is one of the largest producers of titanium dioxide used in the production of plastics, rubber and paint and varnish industries. In addition, iron sulfate and sulfuric acid are produced here. A few years ago, the company already produced mineral fertilizers. In today’s conditions, the management decided to resume their production. It took 250 million rubles (over $3 million) and eight months.

Representatives of the company said that the design capacity of the workshop is 10 thousand tons of ammophos. Today it works at 70%, while the technological process is being debugged. It’s expected that the amount of investments will increase to 500 million rubles (approximately $6.125 million).

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