EuroChem presented phosphogypsum ameliorant at the Gold Niva exhibition

As part of the Gold Niva agro-industrial exhibition, EuroChem presented phosphogypsum ameliorant, the use of which is extremely important for the Krasnodar region.

Ameliorants are specific fertilizers, which include substances that improve the mechanical, physical and biological properties of the soil. Ameliorants make it possible to significantly improve the quality of the soil in a short time.

Phosphogypsum contains up to 92% gypsum (or 37% Ca), which contribute to the aggregation of soil particles and its structuring. Phosphogypsum increases the retention of moisture in the soil during a dry period, reduces soil density, increases plant resistance to salt stress, saturates the soil with calcium, phosphorus and sulfur.

Representatives of the company explained how to increase soil fertility with irrigation, reduce salinity and improve soil structure using phosphogypsum. The company’s experts also acquaint farmers with how to properly apply this ameliorant and how long the effect of its use lasts.

In addition to phosphogypsum, EuroChem presented the entire range of its fertilizers – from standard grades to fertilizers with increased efficiency. Of particular interest is the use of liquid nitrogen fertilizer KAS-32, water-soluble NPK Aqualis®, as well as fertilizers for niche crops – berries, garden plants, and vineyards.

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