PhosAgro helped to organize the environmental congress in Russia

PhosAgro became a co-organizer of the 10th Nevsky International Ecological Congress: Ecology: a Right, Not a Privilege”. The purpose of the international environmental meeting is to consolidate the state, business, science, and experts in discussions on solving acute environmental issues. The business program of the congress covered a wide range of topics: climate, water and forest resources, the preservation of the ecology of the Arctic and Antarctic, eco-tourism, eco-education and eco-volunteering, as well as the role of the state and business in environmental well-being. For the first time in the history of the congress, a Youth Day was held, which brought together more than two thousand representatives of various environmental and youth communities.

The President of Russia Vladimir Putin noted the importance of discussing the environmental agenda in his welcome speech. “The effective management of natural resources is the basis for the sustainable development of states, it directly affects the conservation of ecosystem biodiversity, and most importantly, the health and quality of life of millions of people. And therefore, in Russia, the issues of environmental protection, rational use of natural resources, and ensuring environmental safety are among the significant national priorities,” Vladimir Putin emphasized.

Within the framework of the 10th Nevsky International Ecological Congress, a round table “Sustainable Development as a New Model of Economic Development of Russian Regions” was held. The participants of the meeting discussed sustainable development in heavy industry, mechanisms for increasing the contribution of companies to the socio-economic and environmental development of the territories of presence, a system for supporting responsible entrepreneurship, prospects for the development of the green technology market, environmental entrepreneurship and international experience in the development and implementation of the principles, measures and mechanisms of the green economy. The Nizhny Novgorod region is one of the regions of Russia that follows the sustainable development model and achieves the goals of ESG transformation (E (environmental) – responsibility for the environment, S (social) – concern for society, and G (governance) – high standards of corporate governance).

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