Martin Engineering opens a sales department in Malaysia

Martin Engineering plans to expand its presence in the Asia-Pacific region by opening a sales department in Malaysia. The headquarter will be located in the capital Kuala Lumpur and will act as the main hub to provide products and solutions for the industries they serve in the region.

The benefit to clients will be more localized service from a team that better understands the needs and challenges of the region. This will result in faster response times, better logistics, closer customer relationships and an expanded portfolio of products and services available to help customers improve the efficiency and safety of bulk material handling.

“Our team in Australia has done a great job serving this region but we have decided that the Malaysian market deserves closer attention. This is a great opportunity to provide existing and new customers with a better choice of bulk material handling options and innovation,” said Javier Schmal, Regional Vice President at Martin Engineering responsible for the company’s expansion oversight

Serving a wide range of bulk material handling industries, the company will install and maintain a wide range of products. The product range will include some of the company’s most popular primary and secondary cleaners, such as the innovative CleanScrape or QC1+ belt cleaning models to reduce carryover, dust and cleanup.

“The new business unit in Malaysia will receive sufficient support from other business units. The backbone of assistance is Martin Australia, which is engaged in product manufacturing, engineering design and technical support,” Javier Schmal explained.

“The Asia-Pacific market currently offers one of the best growth opportunities. This new business unit is part of Martin’s investment and strategic plan to expand the list of regions of our presence and continue to provide the best customer service and support in the industry.”

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