A new fertilizer plant has been launched in the Perm region

A new fertilizer plant for the production of ammonia, carbamide and malamine was launched in the Perm region, reported the head of the region Dmitry Makhonin.

The governor shared in one of the messengers that a historic event for the whole region happened in the city of Gubakha: Metafrax Chemicals started production of ammonia, melamine and carbamide. One of the largest Russian enterprises in the field of organic chemistry has been launched in the Perm region. It will produce high-quality, import-substituting, competitive products.

The construction of the production complex began in 2017. The capacities of the enterprise allow to produce annually over 300 thousand tons of ammonia, about 600 thousand tons of carbamide and 41 thousand tons of melamine.

Dmitry Makhonin noted that as a result, 400 new jobs were created and 6 multi-storey buildings were built specially for the employees.

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