Metafrax Chemicals produced the first 300 thousand tons of carbamide

The Ammonia-Carbamide-Melamine complex of Metafrax Chemicals in the Perm region, commissioned in June 2023, is reaching its design capacity for the production of carbamide. Taking into account the period when production was in the commissioning mode, more than 300 thousand tons of this new product for the enterprise have already been manufactured.

Recall that Metafrax Group completed the implementation of the largest investment project in the history of the holding by opening a new production facility. The enterprise has created a technologically interconnected production complex with a design capacity for carbamide – 500 thousand tons per year, ammonia – 298 thousand tons per year and melamine – 40 thousand tons.

During the construction of the complex, the best available technologies were used. Thanks to the creation of a CO2 emission unit, an environmental effect has been achieved – direct emissions of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere have been halved. The new production will process about 400 thousand tons of carbon dioxide per year. In May 2023, at the second Eurasian Economic Forum in Moscow, Metafrax Chemicals was recognized as the winner of the first international climate competition “Green Eurasia” in the nomination “Clean Industry” for the project of the CO2 emission unit of the Ammonia-Carbamide-Melamine complex.

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