TogliattiAzot published its environmental report for 2022

TogliattiAzot published a report disclosing the results of environmental activities for 2022. The document presents the main environmental aspects of the enterprise’s production and the amount of funding for environmental protection measures. The report has become another confirmation that TogliattiAzot is a responsible nature user and adheres to the principle of information transparency.

Annual preparation of information on the environmental safety of the enterprise in the region of presence is a mandatory condition for TogliattiAzot’s activities. This is a structured document that includes detailed information on the impact of the factors of the plant’s activities on the environment and measures for its conservation.

Throughout 2022, TogliattiAzot implemented programs to reduce the total amount of air emissions, wastewater discharges, and solid waste disposal. Industrial emissions were constantly monitored: measurements were made at 169 sources. For this, specialized accredited laboratory centers were involved.

To reduce environmental risks, the company improved chemical production technologies. Through ongoing equipment upgrades and an energy efficiency program, the plant has improved wastewater quality and reduced electricity consumption.

TogliattiAzot utilizes 27.6% of the carbon dioxide generated during the production of ammonia, using it as a feedstock for the production of carbamide and carbon dioxide. After the commissioning of the third carbamide unit, TogliattiAzot plans to increase the CO2 utilization rate by about 12%. Thus, the opening of a new production facility will allow processing more than 39% of the carbon dioxide produced by the enterprise.

TogliattiAzot annually invests in the development of the environmental protection system in order to maintain the required level of industrial and environmental safety. In 2022, more than 194 million rubles (over $2.1 million) were allocated for these purposes.

“In 2022, TogliattiAzot implemented projects that became an opportunity to once again demonstrate with concrete examples its environmental responsibility, which is based on rational use of natural resources, environmental protection and environmental safety. In 2023, TogliattiAzot is also concentrating its efforts on projects, the implementation of which will help ensure stable operation and production reliability, as well as reduce the company’s carbon footprint,” said Anatoly Shablinsky, General Director of TogliattiAzot.

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