Avgust joined Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs

The Avgust company became a member of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RUIE). The corresponding order was signed by the President of the association Alexander Shokhin. The largest Russia manufacturer of plant protection products has been providing farmers throughout Russia with modern drugs for more than three decades, helping to save crops from weeds, diseases and pests. Joining the RUIE was a natural step in the development of the Avgust company on the way of interaction with the business community and promoting the interests of the pesticide industry and the agro-industrial complex as a whole.

As of today, the RUIE includes more than 100 industry and regional associations representing key sectors of the economy, including engineering, fuel and energy complex, banking and finance, construction, chemical, light and food industries, and other services. Members of the Union are thousands of Russian enterprises – industrial, scientific, financial organizations from all over the country.

Its activities are aimed at consolidating efforts on the part of domestic industrialists and entrepreneurs in order to improve the business environment in Russia, raise the status of Russian business in the country and at the international level, maintain a balance of interests of society, government and business.

“Joining the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs expands our opportunities to strengthen the position of the Russian industry in the production of plant protection products,” said Mikhail Danilov, General Director of Avgust. “Like many other industrial companies that are members of the Union, the activities of Avgust are aimed at meeting the needs of the Russian agro-industrial complex. Enterprises engaged in the production of ready-made plant protection products have already created their own production base in Russia. Its total design capacity is about 400 thousand tons of products per year, which is almost twice the capacity of the Russian pesticide market. And now our industry also has a chance to restore the Russian raw material base, which would allow us to engage not only in the development of formulations of plant protection products but also in the synthesis of directly active substances. China and India are currently the world’s main suppliers of this key raw material. However, many domestic enterprises from among those associated with the chemical industry, as well as third-party investors, have already expressed interest in reviving small-tonnage chemistry in the country – this could provide Russian manufacturers with the necessary components and intermediates for synthesis. In this process, synergy is important through close interaction between industrialists aimed at protecting the interests and expanding the capabilities of Russian enterprises.”

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