Growing Africa: Nurturing Soil Health for a Prosperous Future

The African Plant Nutrition Institute (APNI) has unveiled its latest edition of “Growing Africa,” a biannual publication renowned for providing valuable scientific insights into plant nutrition across the African continent. This issue holds special significance as it revolves around the forthcoming African Union (AU) Summit on Fertilizer and Soil Health for Africa, a pivotal event poised to unite influential stakeholders in forging a comprehensive 10-year action plan to foster sustainable agricultural productivity growth throughout Africa.

This special edition of Growing Africa features contributions from leading researchers, development experts, and extension scientists. It covers crucial topics concerning promoting and advancing optimal fertilizer utilization, targeting the creation of robust, thriving, and productive soils across Africa. The topic of the global fertilizer crisis on the African continent together with the pragmatic strategies aimed to engage national research are dominating the issue. Furthermore, the issue expounds upon the pivotal management strategies that hold the key to surmounting contemporary challenges related to soil health.

The special issue of Growing Africa is available on the publication’s official website.

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