HCL and UpLink’s Zero Water Waste Challenge: Pioneering Innovation for Global Freshwater Conservation

Global conglomerate HCL joined forces with the innovative open platform of the World Economic Forum UpLink to launch an exciting endeavor aimed at tackling one of the planet’s most pressing issues: water scarcity. This new initiative, known as the Aquapreneur Innovation Initiative, seeks to foster groundbreaking solutions in the realm of freshwater conservation, from its supply to demand, with the overarching goal of achieving zero water waste. The initiative’s second challenge, the Zero Water Waste Challenge, has been formally announced, inviting creative minds worldwide to contribute their innovative water usage approaches. The challenge will focus on capturing and protecting freshwater supply, recycling water resources, and reducing water usage in agriculture.

The competition calls for innovative water usage approaches to improve freshwater conservation from supply to demand, moving towards zero water waste. At the end of the challenge, 10 winners will receive a total financial award of 1.75M CHF. The contest accepting submissions from August 21 to October 02, 2023. The review and selection process will take place from October 17 to November 15, 2023. The winning Top Innovators will be announced in January 2024.

Roshni Nadar Malhotra, Chairperson of HCLTech, emphasizes the unique opportunity that corporations have to make a tangible impact in the face of these challenges. Through this collaborative initiative, they aim to build an ecosystem of inventive thinkers and problem solvers who will drive the conservation and restoration of freshwater resources. HCL is committed to dedicating $15 million to support water-focused entrepreneurs until 2027.

The Aquapreneur Innovation Initiative’s significance goes beyond just monetary support. It’s about creating a community of aquapreneurs—entrepreneurs with a specific focus on water-related challenges. This community will be empowered through a structured program that connects them with experts, investors, and partners through the UpLink Innovation Network. The top 10 innovators will not only receive financial awards but will also be integrated into a network that fosters collaboration, learning, and a shared commitment to addressing the global water crisis.

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