Agriculture Trade Turnover between Russia and Belarus is growing

At a meeting at the Russian Ministry of Agriculture, Dmitry Patrushev congratulated the newly appointed Minister of Agriculture and Food of Belarus, Sergei Bartosh, on his appointment and expressed the hope that joint work would further strengthen cooperation between the countries. It was noted that the agro-industrial complex is very important for the Russian and Belarusian economies.

According to the statement of Dmitry Patrushev, last year the volume of mutual trade in agricultural products increased by 34.5%. Positive dynamics is also observed in 2023 – for six months, the growth in trade amounted to 5%. This growth is proof of the high level of cooperation between countries in the field of agriculture.

Also during the meeting, it was agreed to hold a joint meeting of the collegium of ministries in 2023 and discussed issues of cooperation between supervisory agencies.

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