Metafrax Chemicals had a technology visit from Sibur holding

In mid-August, a member of the Board of Directors of Metafrax Group, Vladimir Daut, and the Executive Director of Metafrax Chemicals, Alexander Vdovin, conducted a tour of the enterprise for a representative delegation of the Sibur holding, consisting of 40 people. The visit took place to exchange experience and practices of sustainable development between groups of companies.

In the assembly hall of the plant management, top managers of Metafrax spoke about the stages of development of the enterprise, technologies and products. The parties discussed the technical equipment of the plant and the specifics of work in the current conditions. A productive dialogue also took place on issues of ecology and industrial safety, logistics and product sales. Rashid Shakirov, Deputy General Director for Human Resources and Social Issues, spoke about the personnel policy of Metafrax Group.

The delegation visited methanol production, paraformaldehyde plant, ammonia-carbamide-melamine complex and other workshops. During the trip, discussions continued on the development strategy and social responsibility of the enterprise, stop repairs, installation and operation of equipment, interaction with contractors and corporate culture.

“We create working conditions in which people feel comfortable. This forms a conscientious attitude to business, increases internal motivation and has a positive effect on the final result,” said Alexander Vdovin.

Representatives of Sibur noted the well-groomed territory of the enterprise, the abundance of greenery and flowers. The guests highly appreciated the level of culture of production and development of the company.

“When visiting Metafrax, it’s impossible not to note the involvement and fire in the eyes of its leaders. You can feel how they are rooting for the plant. Vladimir Daut presented the enterprise as his child, which he raised in his arms. His amazing knowledge, ideas, and stories did not leave anyone indifferent. The state of the plant itself shows the caring attitude of the employees towards it. It’s nice to come to an enterprise that is well maintained. It can be seen that worried and involved people take care of every corner. Such as Alexander Vdovin. It can be seen that Metafrax is his second home. Thank you very much for immersing yourself in the history of the enterprise. We see that there are people in the country who develop production at the world level. I would like to wish colleagues to overcome obstacles, success in the implementation of the most daring projects and safe work!” shared the chief engineer of Sibur Maxim Lenkov.

At the end of the meeting, the participants of the meeting visited the corporate museum of Metafrax, where Sergey Kuzivanov, head of the education and training sector, spoke about the history of the enterprise.

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