Next Hydrogen Collaborates with Casale on Green Ammonia and Methanol Systems

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Next Hydrogen Solutions Inc. (TSXV:NXH, OTC:NXHSF) and Casale SA have formalized a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to advance green ammonia and methanol systems, combining Next Hydrogen’s electrolysis technology with Casale’s proficiency in fertilizer production processes.

With this partnership, both corporations aim to bolster the scale and speed of green ammonia and methanol facilities linked to renewable energy. Next Hydrogen, recognized for its pioneering efforts in electrolysis, is on the brink of introducing its next wave of expansive, economically viable green hydrogen systems. Concurrently, Casale, with its distinguished legacy of technological breakthroughs in fertilizer manufacturing, is strategically placed to harness the full potential of Next Hydrogen’s latest electrolysis offerings. The synergy between the two entities paves the way for generating pristine, zero-emission ammonia and methanol, drawing power from green renewable sources.

In the partnership’s inaugural phase, Casale and Next Hydrogen will jointly delve into technology advancement, seamless integration, and rigorous validation tests of the integrated green ammonia systems. The end goal is to expedite the transition to future market demonstration initiatives.

Ermanno Filippi, Chief Technology Officer of Casale, commented on the partnership, stating, “We recognize the significance of this alliance with Next Hydrogen and are keen to incorporate the advantages of their innovations into Casale’s established ammonia and methanol systems suite.”

Echoing this sentiment, Raveel Afzaal, President and CEO of Next Hydrogen, remarked, “The collaboration with Casale, a global frontrunner in the fertilizer sector, presents a valuable opportunity to enhance the market presence of our green hydrogen solutions.”

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