Entobel inaugurates Asia’s largest insect protein facility

One of the vital insect protein production players, Entobel, has launched the new black soldier fly (BSF) production plant in Vung Tau, Vietnam. The facility represents a pivotal moment in the company’s mission to revolutionize sustainable feed ingredients for the aquaculture and organic fertilizer industry.

Featuring 50 levels of vertical rearing and advanced automation, the Vung Tau facility boasts an annual production capacity of 10,000 metric tons of insect protein. The project became possible due to a US$33 million Series B funding round in 2022, supported by investors like Mekong Capital, Dragon Capital, and The International Finance Corporation (IFC). The plant will support the local economy by creating 150 new jobs.

Entobel’s products, including insect protein, oil, and insect frass, cater primarily to the aquaculture and livestock industries. Insect frass, in particular, presents a sustainable alternative to chemical fertilizers, significantly reducing agricultural operational costs. The choice of Vietnam for Entobel’s scale-up was strategic, considering the country’s ideal climate for BSF, its status as a leading aquaculture hub, and access to high-quality feedstock. A key part of this strategy involves a circular ecosystem created in collaboration with Heineken Vietnam, converting by-products into high-quality proteins, oils, and organic fertilizer.

Entobel’s vision extends beyond Vietnam, with plans for continued expansion within the country and new facilities in Indonesia and Malaysia. The company is gearing up for its Series C funding round in the first half of 2024, further fueling its growth ambitions in the region.

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