Pivot Bio nears the completion of St. Louis product success center

Ag-tech focused fertilizer producer Pivot Bio is on the verge of finalizing its state-of-the-art product success center in the suburbs of St. Louis, specifically in Hazelwood. Specializing in a unique microbe nitrogen fertilizer, Pivot Bio offers products tailored for seed treatments as well as in-furrow applications during the spring planting season.

This year, the company has been diligently refining the research, development, and testing segments of the Hazelwood center. Elaborating on the advancements, Senior Vice President of Product Innovation, Ernie Sanders, stated, “The center is replete with seed treatment machinery, liquid in-furrow testing equipment, cold storage facilities, and cutting-edge lab apparatus, facilitating the creation of innovative product versions.”

According to Sanders, the research, development, and testing component marks the conclusive phase of the product success center’s establishment. Notably, the manufacturing wing of the building, which focuses on the production and packaging of on-seed products, has already been inaugurated.

With the construction timeline on track, Sanders anticipates that by the onset of January, the success center will be fully operational and functioning at its optimal capacity.

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