Samsung Engineering and Svante strike new partnership

white smoke coming out from building

Samsung Engineering and Svante Technologies Inc. have announced that they plan to work together on commercial carbon-capture, utilization, and storage projects in Asia and the Middle East.

The companies, which signed a memorandum of understanding at the ADIPEC energy conference in Abu Dhabi on October 4, said they intend to use Svante’s novel carbon-filter technology to reduce emissions in the cement, steel, hydrogen, and fertilizer industries, among others.

Samsung Engineering and Svante also indicated that they will explore design iterations of Svante’s post-combustion carbon-capture plants.

Samsung Engineering’s president and CEO, Hong Namkoong, noted that his company is seeking not only to be an engineering, procurement, and construction player, but also to become a green solutions provider. Svante’s president and CEO, Claude Letourneau, added that Samsung Engineering’s experience in the energy and industrial sectors will prove invaluable for Svante, as the latter scales its operations and filter-manufacturing capacity.

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