Caddick Construction to build the UK’s biggest fertilizer factory

Yara International and Horncastle Group are forging ahead with plans to build the UK’s largest fertilizer-manufacturing plant.

Caddick Construction has announced that it will be the primary contractor for the project; the company said in an October 12 press release that it has secured a £28mn contract for the construction of a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility, as well as extensive warehouses and modern offices.

Caddick noted that the new facilities will enable Yara to double its production of YaraVita speciality crop-nutrition products and biostimulants.

The 295,669-square-foot plant will be located at the Ozone Business Park, Horncastle’s industrial hub in Howden, Yorkshire.
Caddick said that it aims to complete work on the plant by next summer, adding that the facility should be operational by the end of 2025.

Most of the plant’s output will be destined for international markets, helping to meet the rising global demand for high-quality fertilizers.

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