Yara Ghana names Theresa Randolph as its new Country Manager

Yara Ghana Limited, a major player in the fertilizer industry, has announced the appointment of Theresa Randolph as its new Country Manager. This move marks a milestone as Randolph is the first female to hold this position within the company’s Ghanaian operations.

Randolph brings to Yara a comprehensive background in innovation, marketing, sales, and manufacturing. She previously served as the Chief Executive Officer of Phyto-Riker (GIHOC) Pharmaceuticals Ltd. In her new role, Randolph will be responsible for driving disruptive growth in alignment with Yara’s Africa and Asia Strategy. Her duties will include defining and implementing a digital roadmap, coordinating with key internal teams to identify levers for transformation, and proactively scouting for opportunities to consolidate Yara Ghana’s standing in the agriculture sector.

Discussing her new role, Randolph stated, “Yara’s mission of responsibly feeding the world while protecting the planet closely aligns with my own values. The focus is on empowering Ghanaian farmers to contribute to food security, improving their economic well-being, and practicing sustainable agriculture that minimizes environmental impact.”

Luis Alfredo Pérez, Senior Vice President of Yara Africa, expressed confidence in Randolph’s ability to accelerate key initiatives central to the company’s Africa 2030 Strategy. The strategy is aimed at transforming food systems and elevating the prosperity of smallholder farmers.

The appointment comes at a crucial juncture as Yara Ghana seeks to expand its influence in the country’s agriculture sector while making strides in sustainable practices and digital transformation.

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