Acron Group releases 2022 ESG report

Acron Group on Monday released a sustainability report for 2022. The Russian mineral fertilizer producer said it is the company’s first non-financial report.

Acron stated in a note that last year it decided to take a proactive approach to sustainable growth; it developed an ESG strategy that focuses on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, protecting the environment, creating safe and satisfactory working conditions, helping to develop the regions in which the firm operates, and enhancing its corporate governance practices. The company added that it carried out a comprehensive assessment of its current ESG practices, producing a plan for the development of management practices and the disclosure of ESG data in the coming years.

The chairman of the board of directors, Alexander Popov, was quoted as saying: ‘Acron Group continued to work on environmental and social projects that will advance its sustainable development agenda. The company set aside 2.7 billion rubles for these purposes, which is 18% more than it did the previous year. I am confident that this positive trend will continue in the future.’

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