Central Valley Ag collaborates on Producer Connect app for fertilizer efficiency

Smart farming, using modern technologies in agriculture. Female agronomist farmer with digital tablet computer in wheat field using apps and internet in agricultural production, selective focus

Central Valley Ag, a prominent agricultural cooperative, is partnering with Nebraska’s Natural Resources Districts (NRDs) to develop Producer Connect, a web and mobile application suite designed to enhance agricultural efficiency and environmental stewardship. The app is aimed at optimizing nitrogen fertilizer application, thereby improving crop yields, water quality, and irrigation efficiency.

Tim Mundorf, Central Valley Ag’s director of soil management, stated that the app will enable growers to closely monitor and manage nitrogen application. “The goal is to maximize nitrogen-use efficiency while minimizing environmental impact,” Mundorf said.

Other partners involved in the project include the Nebraska Corn Board, Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), 17 of the state’s 23 NRDs, the Nebraska Association of Resources Districts (NARD), and the NARD Foundation. Dr. Orval Gigstad, president of NARD, expressed satisfaction that Central Valley Ag is contributing to the project. “Producer Connect represents a concerted effort to sustain agriculture while safeguarding Nebraska’s water resources,” said Gigstad.

Scheduled for launch in June 2024, Producer Connect will offer a range of features, such as customizable nitrogen recommendations and irrigation efficiency analytics. The initial focus will be on Phase 2 and Phase 3 Groundwater Quality Management Areas and regions with specific irrigation allocations. The app will be available free of charge to agricultural producers.

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