Bangladesh to import 100,000 MT of urea through international tenders

August 12, 2023, Chittagong, Bangladesh: After five consecutive days of rain, the farmers of Chittagong Mirsharai Upazila region are planting Amon season Amon paddy in the rice field On August 12, 2023.

The government of Bangladesh has issued two international tenders to import 100,000 metric tonnes of urea. The move aims to satisfy the nation’s urea needs for December and possibly early January of the upcoming year. The state-run Bangladesh Chemical Industries Corporation (BCIC) is overseeing the process under the umbrella of the Ministry of Industries.

According to tender documents, the import financing will come from foreign funds made available by the Bangladesh government. This is part of the nation’s periodic efforts to supplement domestically produced urea and meet ongoing agricultural demands.

The first of the two tenders, identified as Pur-3.3156/2023-2023, is slated to bring in 50,000 metric tonnes of granular urea in bags. This shipment will be divided into two lots of 25,000 metric tonnes each, to be delivered on a cost and freight (CFR) basis at Chittagong Port’s outer anchorage.

The second tender, labeled as Pur-3.3157/2023-2023, is also designated for 50,000 metric tonnes of granular urea in bags. This import will also be split into two lots of 25,000 metric tonnes each, and will be delivered on a CFR basis at Mongla Port. Both ports are located in the southern region of Bangladesh.

Bids for both tenders are scheduled to be opened on October 31, 2023.

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