H2TC seeking to facilitate first transatlantic shipments of clean hydrogen

Green oil tanker headed out to sea aerial

The Transatlantic Clean Hydrogen Trade Coalition (H2TC) recently launched in Washington DC, Container News reported on Wednesday. The project brings together the Mission Possible Partnership, RMI, Systemiq, Power2X, and other major industry players, who say they will work together to deliver the first shipment of clean hydrogen from the United States to Europe by 2026.

H2TC, which seeks to connect US fuel producers to heavy-industry consumers in Europe, will open up a corridor between the Port of Corpus Christi, Texas, and the Port of Rotterdam, in the Netherlands. The coalition says this will facilitate the trade of more than three million tonnes of green ammonia and methanol per year by 2030.

This will make a significant contribution towards the EU’s goal of importing 10 million tonnes of renewable hydrogen per year by the end of the decade.

The co-chair of the Mission Possible Partnership, Chad Holliday, was quoted by the Offshore Energy publication as saying: ‘H2TC marks an important step to open the gateway for cross-Atlantic shipments of clean hydrogen. The capacity to import relatively cheap clean hydrogen from the US to complement local production will have a direct and significant impact on the European industry’s efforts to deploy clean production processes at scale, including in the fertilizer, steel, and shipping sectors.’

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