Embratel introduces digital farming platform

Agriculture and technology. Agritech. Environment. Communication network.

Embratel, in collaboration with digital agricultural solutions provider Farmers Edge, has unveiled its Smart Farm solutions platform aimed at fostering digital integration in the realm of agribusiness. This initiative strives to blend leading-edge technologies with connectivity to establish a modern, sustainable, and interconnected ecosystem beneficial for strategic agricultural decision-making.

The Smart Farm platform offers an array of services, including high-resolution satellite imagery, telemetry, weather forecasting, soil sampling, and data analytics using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Moreover, the platform provides a dedicated data management application, coupled with specialized training and support for farmers.

Adriano Rosa, Executive Director of Embratel, emphasized the company’s commitment to bolstering the technological advancement of the agriculture sector in Brazil. He noted that their aim is to guarantee enhanced quality, productivity, and safety across farms.

Embratel also extends the expertise of its technology specialists to ensure seamless digital transformation of farms. These specialists possess the acumen to amalgamate various IT and Telecom solutions based on individual agricultural requirements. Embratel accentuates the inherent high-quality connectivity provided by Claro in their solutions, which ensures continuous access to crucial farming data. The integration of Internet of Things (IoT) devices facilitates comprehensive monitoring, including aspects such as soil conditions, water levels, and fertilizer application.

The platform is segmented into four distinct modules:

  1. Smart Imagery: Offers high-frequency satellite imagery and farm maps. This module can auto-detect issues like pests, diseases, or equipment malfunctions and promptly alert farmers.
  2. Smart Insite: Concentrates on climate-centric crop monitoring and digital agriculture. It employs a weather station to gather real-time data and employs satellite imagery to understand a farm’s microclimate.
  3. Smart: Merges functionalities from the first two modules and incorporates telemetry for real-time machinery monitoring, optimizing operational efficiency.
  4. Smart VR: Extends the capabilities of the Smart module by adding agronomic consultancy that undertakes soil sampling and analysis. This facilitates optimal application of inputs and endorses sustainable farming practices.

All modules come equipped with a management application showcasing real-time data, aiding in operational planning and predictive analytics for improved harvests.

Celso Macedo, Vice President of Latin America at Farmers Edge, and Vibhore Arora, CEO of Farmers Edge, both expressed their optimism about the partnership’s potential to revolutionize farming in Brazil and foster a digitally integrated and sustainable future for the nation’s agriculture sector.

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