Nano-Yield unveils nanotechnology-based granular fertilizer coating

Nano-Yield announced on Thursday that it has launched NanoCote, which it described as a ground-breaking nanotechnology-based granular fertilizer coating. The company said that NanoCote is the first product engineered to complement existing fertilizers.

Nano-Yield said it has carried out extensive lab and field trials so as to ensure that the new product maximizes plant nutrition and enhances the farming experience.

The company’s president and COO, Mark Slavens, noted that the new technology is very easy to use, saying: ‘Our team is proud to have engineered this technology in a way that is seamless for blending operations. You can spray it on any type of dry granular fertilizer. It dries very quickly without heat or any other specialized equipment.’

NanoCote Core is now available for distribution in the United States.

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