Pakistan’s urea tender bids range from US$389.92 to US$405.50 per ton

Port Qasim is a busy mutipurpose seaport of Pakistan, Situated near Karachi Sindh Pakistan , caters almost 30% of sea trade of the counry, In this photo a ship carrying LPG ( Liquid Petroleum Gas) is anchored at an unloading pipe line.

Pakistan’s recent venture into the international market to secure urea for its agricultural needs has been met with a modest yet significant response. The Trading Corporation of Pakistan (TCP) opened its international tender for 200,000 metric tonnes of urea, drawing interest from various global suppliers, albeit not as enthusiastically as expected. This lukewarm reception raises questions about the dynamics of the international urea market and its implications for Pakistan.

One theory for the fair response revolves around India’s substantial urea purchase in October, amounting to 1.6 million metric tonnes, followed by another tender. This heavy buying by India could have shifted the focus of international suppliers, potentially making them less interested in smaller-scale opportunities. Despite this, there remains a quiet confidence among sources that Pakistan will successfully acquire the necessary quantity.

The TCP has received four bids, each offering different quantities and prices for urea, either prilled or granular. The bids range from US$389.92 to US$405.50 per ton, with delivery options at Karachi Port and Gwadar Port. ABG Trading, as the lowest bidder, is likely to secure a contract for supplying 100,000 metric tonnes at US$389.92 per ton, with the urea’s origin remaining open.

Other bidders, including SAMSUNG C&T and West Trade Int’l, have proposed slightly higher prices, with urea origins varying from Egypt, Oman, China, and Indonesia. The bids reflect the diverse global sources of urea and the competitive nature of the market.

This tender is a strategic move by Pakistan, aimed at preempting a potential shortfall in the Rabi agricultural season. The TCP’s proactive approach is in response to an anticipated gas supply interruption, which could impede local fertilizer production, particularly in Punjab. The National Fertilizer Development Center anticipates a urea demand of about 3.335 million metric tonnes for the Rabi season, projecting a significant shortfall.

To address this, the TCP requires that the urea be delivered in multiple lots, ensuring timely arrival before the January deadline. This meticulous planning underlines the urgency and importance of securing urea supplies to sustain agricultural productivity during the critical Rabi cropping season.

As the tender progresses, the focus remains on ensuring that the lowest bidders can meet the quantity requirements while maintaining competitive pricing. The outcome of this tender is crucial, not only for Pakistan’s immediate agricultural needs but also as an indicator of global urea market trends and their impact on national agricultural strategies.

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