PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja adopts KBR’s technology for new ammonia plant in Indonesia

PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang (Pusri), a subsidiary of PT Pupuk Indonesia, has chosen KBR’s Purifier ammonia technology for its upcoming Pusri 3B Ammonia Plant in South Sumatera Province, Indonesia. This collaboration marks the twelfth partnership between KBR and Pupuk Indonesia, reinforcing a longstanding relationship.

KBR, a global leader in ammonia technology, will provide a comprehensive package for the new plant, including a technology license, proprietary engineering design, proprietary equipment, and catalyst. The Pusri 3B Ammonia Plant is set to replace the existing Pusri 3 and Pusri 4 plants. The new facility is expected to bring substantial benefits, including enhanced energy efficiency and reduced operational costs.

Doug Kelly, President of KBR’s Technology division, expressed pride in continuing the company’s relationship with Pusri. He highlighted this project as evidence of Pupuk Indonesia’s global leadership in fertilizer production and its confidence in KBR’s ammonia technology and expertise.

KBR has a long history of innovation in the ammonia industry, having licensed, engineered, or constructed over 250 grassroot ammonia plants globally since 1943. The company is known for its commitment to delivering cutting-edge solutions in science, technology, and engineering to clients worldwide. KBR’s global workforce of approximately 34,000 people undertakes diverse, complex, and mission-critical roles in 33 countries.

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