OCP inks partnership with 4C Maroc and Mohammed VI Polytechnic University


The Climate Change Competence Center of Morocco (4C Maroc) announced over the weekend that it has signed a partnership deal with the fertilizer maker OCP Group and the Mohammed VI Polytechnic University.

4C Maroc said in a statement that the parties inked the three-year agreement on the sidelines of the COP28 summit in Dubai – and that the arrangement focuses on climate-change education, establishing finance projects, and helping OCP to minimize its greenhouse gas emissions.

The organization added that it will seek to provide scientific and technical support for projects that promote resilience and adaptability in the face of climate change.

Rajae Chafil, the director of 4C Maroc, praised OCP’s efforts to decarbonize the economy, describing the group as ‘one of the most sustainable fertilizer producers in the world.’

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