Bion Environmental Technologies introduces new livestock waste Ammonia Recovery System

A group of curious cows in summer evening light. A typical Dutch rural scene.

Indiana-based livestock waste treatment and sustainable beef production company Bion Environmental Technologies, Inc. has announced the transition of its Ammonia Recovery System (ARS) to the final design stage. The announcement follows successful optimization of the ARS at the company’s commercial-scale demonstration facility in Fair Oaks, Indiana. This critical milestone marks Bion’s readiness to commence full-scale system designs.

The ARS, a centerpiece of Bion’s technology, transforms volatile ammonia from livestock waste into high-quality fertilizer products. The final design process, expected to conclude in the first quarter of 2024, aims to validate the economic and energy efficiency models of the ARS. A third-party evaluation by an external engineering firm will assess the system’s performance, surpassing initial projections in ammonia recovery and cost-effectiveness.

A notable feature of the ARS is its ability to combine ammonia with CO2, also derived from waste, to produce precision low-carbon and organic nitrogen fertilizers. This process addresses the significant loss of nitrogen in livestock waste, a common issue leading to substantial air and water pollution globally. Bion’s production of value-added nitrogen fertilizers is poised to generate new revenue streams and facilitate the redistribution of excess nitrogen from impaired watersheds to regions with a deficit.

Bion is currently preparing several applications for OMRI (Organic Materials Review Institute) and CDFA (California Department of Food and Agriculture) certifications for its new organic products. The company’s initial product received an OMRI-Listing in 2020, and Bion continues to produce liquid and crystal fertilizers to support various testing and organic initiatives.

The applicability of Bion’s patented technology extends beyond livestock waste to encompass various organic waste streams, including those from food processing, municipal wastewater, and anaerobic digestion processes used for biogas production. This versatility is increasingly relevant given the evolving regulatory focus on ammonia, nitrates, and animal waste in states like Michigan and California.

Bill O’Neill, CEO of Bion, emphasized the importance of the ARS in addressing global livestock-related nutrient issues. He noted that despite supply chain challenges, the Fair Oaks demonstration has validated the system’s advanced capabilities.

Bion’s Gen3Tech, a patented third-generation technology, aims to minimize the environmental impact of large-scale livestock production. The technology platform offers a comprehensive solution by preventing pollution, recovering clean water, producing high-value organic fertilizers, and generating renewable energy. Bion is committed to developing state-of-the-art indoor cattle feeding operations to produce USDA-certified sustainable premium beef, aligning with the company’s overarching goal of sustainable agriculture practices.

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