Haral Sindri fertilizer factory prepares for Indian Prime Minister’s inauguration

In the Indian city of Dhanbad, the Haral Sindri fertilizer factory is bustling with activity as it readies for the much-anticipated inauguration by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, scheduled for January 27. Dr. Shivprasad Mohanty, the Managing Director of HRL, visited the Sindri facility on Monday to oversee the final preparations.

Accompanied by a team of senior officials, Dr. Mohanty conducted a comprehensive four-hour factory inspection. His visit was focused on ensuring that every aspect of the facility and the inauguration event was meticulously prepared. Discussions were held with the Dhanbad district administration to facilitate a seamless event.

The Managing Director’s visit also included a detailed review of the transportation logistics, the helipad in the Hurl complex, and the Balliapur airstrip, which were crucial for the Prime Minister’s arrival. Dr. Mohanty met with the senior officials of Haral Sindri, where he issued specific directives to guarantee that all arrangements meet the highest standards for the upcoming event.

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