Maire signs MoU with Kazakh sovereign wealth fund

Italy’s Maire has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Kazakh sovereign wealth fund Samruk-Kazyna, the sustainable tech solutions company announced in a January 18 press release.

Maire said that under the terms of the deal, the parties will establish a working group to assess business and investment opportunities.

It added that its technical team will seek to promote and facilitate investment in Kazakhstan in the decarbonization and energy transition fields, as well as in oil and gas, chemical, petrochemical, and fertilizer projects.

Maire’s CEO, Alessandro Bernini, commented that ‘This MoU represents the combined efforts and commitment of Italy and Kazakhstan to work together to pave the way to investment opportunities in the relevant industries of cooperation.’

He also said that the company will be providing training and professional support to help expedite Kazakhstan’s energy transition.

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