KazMunayGas is following global trends

Oil and gas company KazMunayGas (KMG) in Kazakhstan intends to implement projects for the production of green and blue ammonia and hydrogen. Following this goal, the company has signed a cooperation agreement with one of the western engineering firms.

KMG is engaged in the exploration, production, and transportation of oil and natural gas in Kazakhstan. The company manages Atasu – Alashankou and Kenkiyak – Kumkol pipelines, Kazakhstan – China gas pipeline, and Pavlodar Oil Chemistry Refinery.

During the nine months of this year, KazMunayGas reduced oil production by 3% to 15.923 million tons, natural gas by 5.9% to 5.811 billion cubic meters.

Ammonia is applied in fields as a nitrogen fertilizer and serves as a raw material for the production of ammonium nitrate and carbamide-ammoniac compound.

“KazMunayGas’ intention to produce green and blue ammonia and hydrogen is quite understandable since the company wants to follow global trends. However, it’s not clear yet if the company has enough own natural gas for the implementation of the project and will the cooperation with Samruk-Kazyna and Total on the construction of hybrid power plants be successful,” said Andrey Viktorov, Editor of Fertilizer Daily.

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