Mari Petroleum’s new gas discovery could ease Pakistan’s energy crisis

Mari Petroleum Company Limited (MPCL) has announced a new gas discovery in Pakistan, offering a glimmer of hope to the country’s depleting gas reserves and the struggling fertilizer industry. The discovery was made in the Mari Ghazij formation within the Mari Development and Production Lease (D&PL) located in Sindh, a crucial development amidst the country’s escalating circular energy sector debt and the fertilizer industry’s dire need for natural gas.

Pakistan’s gas reserves have been on a rapid decline, severely impacting various sectors, especially the fertilizer industry that relies heavily on natural gas as both fuel and feedstock. The industry has been facing challenges in planning expansion due to the gas scarcity. However, the recent discovery by MPCL, a key player and a lifeline for the fertilizer sector, has been met with jubilation and relief.

The successful drilling of this appraisal well marks another milestone for MPCL, following the initial announcement of the Ghazij discovery in a letter (MPCL/CS/CA-02/3386) dated January 25, 2023. This subsequent triumph involves the drilling and testing of the second appraisal well in the Ghazij formation. The operation commenced on December 20, 2023, reaching a depth of 1,014 meters. Remarkably, the well exhibited a post-acid gas flow rate of 6.57 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD), with a wellhead flowing pressure (WHFP) of 306 pounds per square inch (Psi), measured at a choke size of 64/64 inches. The well is poised for test production, pending the completion of necessary regulatory procedures.

Operating with a 100% working interest, MPCL’s consistent efforts and recent successes in the Mari D&PL underscore its pivotal role in bolstering Pakistan’s energy sector and providing much-needed support to the fertilizer industry, which has been in the throes of a prolonged gas shortage. As MPCL continues to explore and develop, its contributions are not only fortifying the industry but also instilling a renewed sense of optimism in the face of the country’s pressing energy challenges.

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