Syngenta and Lavie Bio to develop novel bio-insecticide

Agronomist examining damaged corn leaf , Corn leaves attacked by worms in maize field.

Syngenta Crop Protection has entered into a partnership with Lavie Bio, a subsidiary of Evogene, with the aim of discovering and developing new biological insecticidal solutions.

Syngenta said in a press release that the companies will make use of Lavie Bio’s technology platform – which can quickly identify and optimize bio-insecticide candidates – and Syngenta’s extensive global research, development, and commercialization capabilities.

The company highlighted the importance of such collaborative efforts by pointing out that insects cause an estimated $70bn worth of damage to crops every year, with such losses likely to grow as the planet continues to warm.

Lavie Bio’s CEO, Amit Noam, commented: “We’re excited to collaborate with Syngenta, a world leader in agricultural innovation. Both companies share a mutual commitment to sustainable farming and, together, we aim to develop an impactful bio-insecticide product.

“Lavie Bio’s unique computational capabilities and Syngenta’s vast experience in developing and commercializing innovative products make this partnership significant. We look forward to joining forces to achieve the mutual task of insect management in agriculture.”

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