Russia’s Prodintorg to supply critical food items to Bangladesh

The Trading Corporation of Bangladesh (TCB) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Russia’s Prodintorg with a view to facilitating the steady supply of various critical food items into Bangladesh.

The agreement was signed in the capital, Dhaka, on March 10, by TCB’s chairman, Brigadier General M. Ariful Hasan, and Prodintorg’s general director, Andrey Golovanov, who expressed their belief that the deal will ensure the country’s food security.

Prodintorg had previously shown interest in exporting commodities such as turmeric, chickpeas, lentils, and sunflower seeds to Bangladesh, a proposal that was relayed by the Russian embassy in Dhaka to Bangladeshi authorities in June of last year.

Prodintorg is well-versed in foreign trade and acts on behalf of the Russian Federation to facilitate intergovernmental agreements. Currently, the company is executing contracts to supply wheat and mineral fertilizers to Bangladesh and other countries, including Pakistan, Venezuela, and Cuba.

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