Cinis Fertilizer receives input materials as it prepares to begin production

Cinis Fertilizer revealed on Thursday that it has received the first deliveries of the inputs sodium sulfate and potassium chloride to its new production facility in Örnsköldsvik, Sweden. It said that with the first ship and truck deliveries in place in its warehouse, important logistics flows for the input goods have been tested ahead of the start of production.

The announcement came a few days after Cinis Fertilizer received a final approval for the salt warehouse belonging to the company’s production facility for fossil-free potassium sulfate.

The firm said it received the first loads of sodium sulfate from Northvolt’s battery production in Skellefteå and will receive additional sodium sulfate from supplementary suppliers in the coming days. On Thursday, the first cargo ship with potassium chloride from K+S arrived at the port in Köpmanholmen, Örnsköldsvik, meaning that the inputs required to start production are now in place.

“Testing the logistics flow in practice is an important milestone before the start of production. Another milestone is to complete commissioning. The fact that everything is going according to plan is a statement of strength. Now we look forward to soon being able to start the production of Sweden’s first fossil-free potassium sulfate,” said Jakob Liedberg, Cinis Fertilizer’s founder and CEO.

Cinis Fertilizer noted that ground was broken on the production facility in February 2023 and that its aim is to start producing fossil-free potassium sulfate there in the first half of this year. It added that the testing of installed equipment in the production facility is now underway and step by step the various systems are being commissioned before the start of production.

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