AgroFresh bolsters global reach with acquisition of Pace International

Farmers manually selecting and then putting just picked tarocco oranges into boxes

AgroFresh Solutions, a post-harvest solutions provider, has announced the acquisition of Pace International from Valent BioSciences, a subsidiary of Sumitomo Chemical Co. This move is part of AgroFresh’s strategic expansion to enhance its global presence and offer a wider range of post-harvest solutions.

Pace International, known for its sustainable post-harvest solutions, equipment, and technical services, has been a prominent player in the industry, supporting quality and freshness in high-value and highly perishable crops across North and South America. The integration of Pace into AgroFresh’s operations marks a significant step in broadening its technology, services, and digital solutions portfolio. This includes edible fruit coatings, fungicides, cleaners, and sanitizers, as well as sustainable storage treatments and application equipment for fresh produce.

Clint Lewis, CEO of AgroFresh, emphasized the acquisition’s alignment with the company’s vision to become the preferred post-harvest partner globally. The merger of AgroFresh and Pace’s portfolios and expertise is expected to comprehensively address the needs of a diverse range of crops and markets, contributing to the production and delivery of quality fresh produce sustainably.

Moreover, AgroFresh and Valent BioSciences are planning a strategic collaboration to expedite the development of innovative solutions in freshness protection. This partnership aims to leverage Valent BioSciences’ technological prowess and AgroFresh’s extensive global network to introduce new products, services, and digital solutions to the market.

Salman Mir, President and CEO of Valent BioSciences, noted the acquisition’s potential to enhance global reach, services, and innovation capabilities, benefiting customers and the food protection industry at large.

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