Brazil Potash receives pivotal license for Autazes Potash Project construction

Brazil Potash Corp. has secured a crucial mine installation license from the Amazon State Environmental Protection Institute (IPAAM) for its Autazes Potash Project that would help achieve Brazil’s goal of potash production self-sufficiency. This pivotal approval paves the way for the commencement of construction activities at the project site.

The license was granted during a ceremony organized by Amazon State Governor Wilson Lima, attended by various government officials, including IPAAM President Juliano Valente, State Deputy Sinesio Campos, and Potássio do Brasil President Adriano Espeschit, as well as major press outlets, underscoring the project’s importance for Brazil’s agricultural sector and global food security.

Brazil Potash’s Autazes deposit, located in the Amazon region, holds the potential to be a game-changer for the country’s fertilizer industry. Utilizing proven, environmentally friendly technology, the project plans to extract potash ore through room and pillar mining, separate the potash using hot water, and return the remaining sodium chloride tailings underground.

“We are thrilled to receive the mine installation license from the Amazon State Environmental Protection Institute,” said Adriano Espeschit, President of Potássio do Brasil. “For several years, Brazil Potash has been working towards this moment to demonstrate that sustainable mining operations are possible in the Amazon region. With the support of the Mura Indigenous people, we can show the world that it is possible to achieve development for local communities while improving their quality of life. This truly marks a win-win for Brazil’s economy, its people, and the world.”

The Autazes Potash Project is expected to initially produce 2.4 million tons of potash per year, with the potential for increased production in the future. Notably, the project will significantly reduce Brazil’s dependence on imported potash, as all planned production is slated for domestic consumption.

“I am very proud of the years of permitting, indigenous, government, and community relations work completed by our team in Brazil headed by our President Adriano Espeschit, which has resulted in securing the mine Installation License,” said Matt Simpson, CEO of Brazil Potash. “This is a major milestone to advance and de-risk the development of the Autazes Potash Project as we move closer to the start of project construction.”

In addition to its economic benefits, the project is expected to have a positive environmental impact by reducing greenhouse gas emissions by approximately 1.4 million tons per year, thanks to its extensive use of green energy sources. Brazil Potash estimates the creation of 10,000 new jobs and a significant contribution to the GDP of the Amazonas state.

With the mine installation license secured, Brazil Potash is poised to commence construction activities, marking a crucial step towards Brazil’s goal of reducing its reliance on imported potash and ensuring a sustainable domestic supply for its thriving agricultural sector.

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