Bayer aims to launch first bioinsecticide for arable crops

Beautiful Spring Season in Countryside. Canola Fields,Trees and Blue Sky.

Bayer announced a strategic collaboration with UK-based AlphaBio Control, acquiring exclusive rights to distribute a pioneering biological insecticide aimed at arable crops such as oilseed rape and cereals. This agreement marks the introduction of the first bioinsecticide specifically formulated for these types of crops, with a target launch year of 2028 following further development and necessary regulatory approvals.

The product, developed by AlphaBio Control, represents a significant advancement in agricultural biotechnologies, aligning with the growing demand for sustainable farming solutions. “Biocontrols are a perfect fit to our approach to scaling regenerative agriculture,” said Benoit Hartmann, Head of Biologics at Bayer’s Crop Science Division. He emphasized the critical need for new solutions to address the challenges of feeding a growing global population while mitigating the impacts of climate change and adhering to stringent safety and sustainability standards.

One of the notable targets of the new bioinsecticide is the coleoptera insect group, including the cabbage stem flea beetle, a major pest that damages oilseed rape crops by causing ‘shot-holing’ symptoms. These beetles are prevalent across the UK and Europe, posing threats to plant health and crop yields from the seedling stage through the growing season.

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