Pakistan’s minister mandates ensured supply of urea and DAP fertilizers for Kharif Season

farmers are examining green and growing  rice fields

The Minister for Industries and Production of Pakistan Rana Tanveer Hussain has issued a directive to guarantee the availability of urea and DAP fertilizers for farmers during the upcoming Kharif Season. This announcement came during a meeting with Syed Aashiq Hussain Kirmani, the Punjab Minister for Agriculture, held in Islamabad.

Minister Hussain emphasized the Pakistani government’s dedication to the welfare and progress of the agriculture sector, highlighting the implementation of integrated measures aimed at fostering agricultural development and enhancing farmers’ prosperity.

To support these goals, the Minister noted that the government has already taken several vital steps, including ensuring an uninterrupted supply of gas to the industry, which is crucial for the production of these essential fertilizers.

Furthermore, Minister Hussain stated that both the federal and provincial governments would closely monitor the distribution process of these fertilizers in Pakistan. He warned that strict legal measures would be taken against any parties found guilty of profiteering or hoarding, underlining the government’s commitment to fair and equitable access to agricultural inputs for all farmers.

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