International Fertilizer Association elects new board directors

The International Fertilizer Association (IFA) has announced the election of seven new representatives to its Board of Directors during its Annual General Meeting (AGM) held in Singapore on May 22, 2024. The elections were a highlight of the IFA Annual Conference, which concluded on the same day.

The newly elected Board Directors are:

  • Bruce Bodine, Mosaic
  • Soufiyane El Kassi, OCP Nutricrops
  • Xiaofeng Hou, China BlueChemical
  • Dmitry Konyaev, Uralchem, JSC
  • Jahangir Piracha, Fauji Fertilizer Company Ltd
  • Edward Weiner, Trammo, Inc.
  • Kelvin Wickham, Ballance Agri-Nutrients

“I warmly welcome each of our new members to the IFA Board of Directors,” said the IFA spokesperson. “I am looking forward to working with them all in support of IFA’s mission to help feed the world sustainably.”

In addition to the board elections, the IFA also welcomed 34 new members to the association. This includes five Ordinary Members, 24 Associate Members, two Affiliate Members, and three Correspondent Members.

The International Fertilizer Association was established in 1927 and remains the sole global fertilizer association with over 480 members from more than 80 countries. Its mission is crucial for promoting the efficient and responsible production, distribution, and use of plant nutrients, essential for sustainable agriculture. The IFA represents a broad spectrum of stakeholders in the plant nutrition domain, including producers, traders, distributors, and various service providers associated with agricultural technology and research.

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