EuroChem ships first products from its new fertilizer plant in Brazil

The inaugural shipments of water-soluble monoammonium phosphate (MAP) from EuroChem’s new Serra do Salitre production complex have been well-received by Brazilian farmers. These farmers have particularly highlighted the high quality of the fertilizers and the benefit of reduced delivery times thanks to local production and efficient logistics. According to Bernardo Silva, Executive Director of Brazil’s National Union of Raw Material Industries, the project holds strategic importance for Brazil. “Increasing local fertilizer production not only strengthens the engine of the Brazilian economy, which is agribusiness, but also protects our country from market volatility and current geopolitical risks,” he stated.

MAP fertilizer is a highly efficient source of nitrogen and phosphorus, available in a form easily accessible to plants. This type of complex and water-soluble fertilizer is in high demand in Brazil, where agriculture is growing steadily, yet around 70 percent of its fertilizer volumes are imported. The Serra do Salitre complex is designed to meet the needs of the domestic market, aiming to supply 15 percent of Brazil’s fertilizer production.

The facility’s annual production capacity is set at 1 million tons of phosphate fertilizers. The complex was officially opened in March this year with Brazilian President Lula da Silva in attendance. Oleg Shiryaev, CEO of EuroChem, commented on the first shipments, stating, “This complex is the largest international production project of the Group, built using the engineering experience and expertise accumulated through large-scale projects in our country. Over the past few years, we have launched several new production capacities in Russia and continue to actively invest in their development and the social sector.”

EuroChem acquired an unfinished project from the Norwegian mineral fertilizer producer Yara in 2022. The construction was resumed and completed quickly. The launch of the Serra do Salitre chemical phosphate complex and a broad proprietary distribution network has made EuroChem the largest producer of mineral fertilizers in South America, operating under the “mine-to-farm” principle—from raw material extraction to fertilizer production and delivery to end-users.

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