Russian Agriculture Ministry confirms local farmers are fully supplied with fertilizers

The Russian agro-industrial complex has acquired 3.3 million tons of mineral fertilizers since the beginning of the year, equivalent to 100% of the nutrient content, including accumulated resources. This volume fully covers the demand of 3.2 million tons of nutrients required for spring field work, as stated by the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia.

Andrey Guryev, President of the Russian Fertilizer Producers Association, noted, “The situation with mineral fertilizers in the Russian market is stable as usual, with no deficits anticipated. The demand is fully met at affordable prices. The difficulties related to fertilizer delivery in several regions, including the South, North Caucasus, Siberia, and the Far East, have been resolved by the railroads. Our advice to farmers remains the same – purchase fertilizers well in advance to allow for storage and deferred delivery, avoiding rush demand and ensuring optimal application times.”

The Ministry of Agriculture of Russia estimates that the total demand for mineral fertilizers by the domestic agricultural sector for the entire year of 2024 is projected to be 5.45 million tons of nutrients.

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