

About company

ExactFarming is a platform allowing its participants to effectively manage the agricultural business, make timely decisions and reduce risks as well as significantly increase the transparency of interaction. Our digital agronomy solutions are used not only by farmers but also by the financial sector representatives and producers of seeds, fertilizers and agrochemistry.


  • Digital fields map, allows to create the digital map of a farm — specify field borders manually or import them;
  • Weather forecast and history, provides data from weather stations installed in the fields: weather forecast, cumulative parameters calculation (GDD and cumulative precipitation);
  • Season planning, allows to use templates of technological cards and attach resources (equipment, workers, seeds, fertilizers, CPAs) to planned operations;
  • Field scouting, allows to plan and control scouting. Most significantly, mobile app for scouters works offline;
  • Big guide on pests and diseases contains multiple photographs and detailed descriptions;
  • Crop rotation journal, provides crop rotation history of all fields on one screen, as well as crop rotation recommendations based on precursor: recommended, admissible, inadmissible crops.

Additionally within the service the following features are available — winter wheat vegetation phases forecast, vegetation index and field rating, agrochemical soil analysis, maps for VR NPK fertilizers application, UAV imagery upload and information on field productivity.


Address: Office 0606, Business Centre “Nagatinskiy”, 22 Andropov Prospect, Moscow, 115533, Russia

E-mail: info@exactfarming.com

Sales: sales@exactfarming.com

Technical support:support@exactfarming.com

Key figure: Anna Kudinova
Founded: 2014 | Number of employees: 20