Acron’s production of compound fertilizers has collapsed

Acron Group has summed up the work results for the first half of the year.

According to its press release, the production of ammonia has increased by 6% to 1.362 million tons, nitrogen fertilizers – by 23.1% to 2.561 million tons, including ammonium nitrate – by 14.2% to 1.072 million tons, urea – by 32.8% to 631 thousand tons, carbamide-ammonia mixture – by 28.6% to 858 thousand tons.

The output of compound fertilizers, however, has decreased by 17.3% to 1.056 million tons between January and June 2019. Of its total volume, the production of azophoska (nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizer) has decreased by 13.1% to 998 thousand tons, mixed fertilizers, by 54.7% to 58 thousand tons.

And the output of apatite concentrate has fallen by 22.1% to 482 thousand tons.

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